Inklings: a tumblelog

We don't write tests. There just isn't time for luxuries

Agreed, but some of the commentators come across as morons and don’t seem to get that automation is our friend and you will eventually need to run those test again. The guy who came up with ‘Big Testing Up Front’ seemed as if he was aiming to look particularly moronic. There also seems to be some confusion between white-box testing, which is what developers do, and black-box testing, which is what dedicated testers do. They also don’t seem to get that automated tests are meant to hit the bit below the water, not the user interface, and even then there are ways to ameliorate this. Sigh. Automated testing isn’t a panacea, and has never been marketed as such, but it does make development easier because at least you’ve some chance of catching bugs and getting a feel for the problem and how your code will be used.